GM Interaction

Discussion in 'General' started by donnylad, Feb 26, 2019.

  1. donnylad

    donnylad Orc Centurion

    Wasn't sure where to put this, but I feel the GM interaction on this server is brilliant. Just reading the forums I sometimes get the impressions the GM's are very blunt, and could be a bit arsey. When they pop into zones to make sure people are doing what they should be and shout Banned from a mob I feel its good they are putting in the effort to do this. It means people cant really be AFK killing or exploiting which is great.

    I also asked for cookies in shout and the next mob I killed had a cookie on the corpse!

    Just quite funny but I havnt seen a GM in years on live, so appreciate you guys taking the time to be in game making sure things are running smoothly etc.

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  2. tibbs

    tibbs Orc Centurion

    I second this.

    When I was butthurt about a mob in HoH for trials being camped a bunch, a GM popped on the mob next time I was there and started mocking me. Was an enjoyable interaction because my mob was up, AND it was yelling and taunting me to come trigger the event.

    A+, would recommend.
  3. tackleberry

    tackleberry Orc Pawn

    the gm that does that is huffin, he is cool

    rest are not so cool
  4. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    They are indeed pretty chill. I really like being able to /ooc a problem (even if it's just user error) and you actually get a response.
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  5. chance

    chance Enraged War Boar

    +1 GM's are awesome! +10000 for Huffin with Both Ban Hammer and endless supply of help for new people :)
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  6. Bmars06

    Bmars06 Orc Pawn

    Sounds like someone who is bitter over being banned.
  7. wargasm

    wargasm Orc Pawn

    GM's on here do an exemplary job, they are all volunteers and not paid for their time and effort devoted to the running and development of this server.
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